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✨O scurtă retrospectivă a lunii octombrie și a activităților pe care le-am desfășurat:❤️5 beneficiari au primit ședințe de terapie Craniosacrală pentru care îi suntem recunoscători lui Jo Foot (❤️2 beneficiari au deschis un plan de economii, economisind o sumă semnificativă❤️2 beneficiari au realizat demersuri în vederea mutării în chirie privată❤️Am participat la Marșul „Împreună pentru Siguranța Femeilor”ca și membri ai rețelei VIF❤️Am vizitat, împreună cu o parte dintre copiii asociației, Serviciul de Prevenirea Criminalității București, în cadrul Secției 10 de Poliție, unde cei mici au asistat la diverse activități de prevenire, au participat la jocuri de identificare a persoanelor care comit infracțiuni, au învățat cum se pot prelua amprente și au și primit isigna de polițist junior❤️Ne-am bucurat să participăm și la cea de-a doua ediție a conferinței adresată ONG-urilor, organizată de British Embassy Bucharest, care a reunit societatea civilă, reprezentanți ai guvernului, organizații internaționale și politicieni pentru a discuta posibile soluții la provocările cu care se confruntă societatea civilă❤️Am participat la 1 ediție de Big British Bucharest Quiz unde ne-au fost alături @goldenblitzrestaurant și❤️Evenimentul Wine & Cheese organizat de asociația noastră i-a adus laolaltă pe o parte dintre reprezentanții companiilor care ne susțin activitatea, membrii Consiliului Director, personalul asociației, dar și beneficiari ai serviciilor noastre.❤️ La sfârșitul lunii, a avut loc la Košice prima întâlnire a unui consorțiu din Europa Centrală și de Est format din organizații care lucrează cu persoane fără adăpost pentru a dezvolta în comun servicii sociale și de sănătate integrate sub umbrela proiectului european Solace CEE care se va desfășura pe parcursul următorilor 3 ani.

✨O scurtă retrospectivă a lunii octombrie și a activităților pe care le-am desfășurat:

❤️5 beneficiari au primit ședințe de terapie Craniosacrală pentru care îi suntem recunoscători lui Jo Foot (
❤️2 beneficiari au deschis un plan de economii, economisind o sumă semnificativă
❤️2 beneficiari au realizat demersuri în vederea mutării în chirie privată
❤️Am participat la Marșul „Împreună pentru Siguranța Femeilor”ca și membri ai rețelei VIF
❤️Am vizitat, împreună cu o parte dintre copiii asociației, Serviciul de Prevenirea Criminalității București, în cadrul Secției 10 de Poliție, unde cei mici au asistat la diverse activități de prevenire, au participat la jocuri de identificare a persoanelor care comit infracțiuni, au învățat cum se pot prelua amprente și au și primit isigna de polițist junior
❤️Ne-am bucurat să participăm și la cea de-a doua ediție a conferinței adresată ONG-urilor, organizată de British Embassy Bucharest, care a reunit societatea civilă, reprezentanți ai guvernului, organizații internaționale și politicieni pentru a discuta posibile soluții la provocările cu care se confruntă societatea civilă
❤️Am participat la 1 ediție de Big British Bucharest Quiz unde ne-au fost alături @goldenblitzrestaurant și
❤️Evenimentul "Wine & Cheese" organizat de asociația noastră i-a adus laolaltă pe o parte dintre reprezentanții companiilor care ne susțin activitatea, membrii Consiliului Director, personalul asociației, dar și beneficiari ai serviciilor noastre.
❤️ La sfârșitul lunii, a avut loc la Košice prima întâlnire a unui consorțiu din Europa Centrală și de Est format din organizații care lucrează cu persoane fără adăpost pentru a dezvolta în comun servicii sociale și de sănătate integrate sub umbrela proiectului european Solace CEE care se va desfășura pe parcursul următorilor 3 ani.
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2 days ago
❤️The full album of the Casa Ioanas Halloween Gala is available here!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

❤️The full album of the Casa Ioana's Halloween Gala is available here! ... See MoreSee Less

3 days ago
🌟Lets not forget the stars of the show – the amazing Joy Band! Their energy, talent, and exceptional music had everyone dancing and singing along. 💃🕺They brought so much joy to the event, and we cant thank them enough.🪩👏Thank you, Ursus Breweries for providing the coolest beer🍻, Crama Ceptura for the finest wine 🍷and @cocacolaromania for the best beverages🧃! Thank you for always keeping our glasses full and ensuring we have a great time!🥂🍾🥰Watch out this space, as the event photo album will soon be posted!Image attachment

🌟Let's not forget the stars of the show – the amazing Joy Band! Their energy, talent, and exceptional music had everyone dancing and singing along. 💃🕺They brought so much joy to the event, and we can't thank them enough.🪩

👏Thank you, Ursus Breweries for providing the coolest beer🍻, Crama Ceptura for the finest wine 🍷and @cocacolaromania for the best beverages🧃! Thank you for always keeping our glasses full and ensuring we have a great time!🥂🍾

🥰Watch out this space, as the event photo album will soon be posted!
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6 days ago
❤️We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our fantastic sponsors who generously supported us for both the live auction and the raffle. Your contributions helped make this event possible and allowed us to further our mission of supporting the beneficiaries of Casa Ioana.👏📣A big shout-out goes to BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas, Snagov Club, Ramona Pintea Artist and Johannes and Cristina Burghold for such great and valuable prizes, that people enthusiastically bid for in the live auction. 🏆🎁We also want to extend our special thanks to Snagov ClubSnagov Club once again, Golden Blitz, Joanna Foot and Cristina Burghold for donating amazing prizes for the tombola.  You guys are amazing!🙌Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

❤️We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our fantastic sponsors who generously supported us for both the live auction and the raffle. Your contributions helped make this event possible and allowed us to further our mission of supporting the beneficiaries of Casa Ioana.👏

📣A big shout-out goes to BlackSeaRama Golf & Villas, Snagov Club, Ramona Pintea Artist and Johannes and Cristina Burghold for such great and valuable prizes, that people enthusiastically bid for in the live auction. 🏆

🎁We also want to extend our special thanks to Snagov ClubSnagov Club once again, Golden Blitz, Joanna Foot and Cristina Burghold for donating amazing prizes for the tombola. You guys are amazing!🙌
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1 week ago
🧩Ne revedem mâine pentru o nouă ediție de Big British Bucharest Quiz la Mojo și, ca de fiecare dată, Asociația Casa Ioana este beneficiara tombolei de caritate. Cei care donează pentru tombolă vor putea câștiga de această dată:👉Brunch în valoare de 400 lei oferit de Golden Blitz, restaurant de top din București, unde puteți experimenta fuziunea dintre bucătăria tradițională și cea modernă👉2 sticle de vin Purcari👉Pungă cu produse cadou oferită de👉Jucărie surpriză👉O sesiune de terapie cranio-sacrală-👉Detergent🥳Pentru a participa și a vă alătura distracției, vă rugăm să rezervați o masă prin e-mail la sau trimițând un mesaj Whatsapp la 0728 910 049.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

🧩Ne revedem mâine pentru o nouă ediție de Big British Bucharest Quiz la Mojo și, ca de fiecare dată, Asociația Casa Ioana este beneficiara tombolei de caritate. Cei care donează pentru tombolă vor putea câștiga de această dată:

👉Brunch în valoare de 400 lei oferit de Golden Blitz, restaurant de top din București, unde puteți experimenta fuziunea dintre bucătăria tradițională și cea modernă
👉2 sticle de vin Purcari
👉Pungă cu produse cadou oferită de
👉Jucărie surpriză
👉O sesiune de terapie cranio-sacrală-

🥳Pentru a participa și a vă alătura distracției, vă rugăm să rezervați o masă prin e-mail la [email protected] sau trimițând un mesaj Whatsapp la 0728 910 049.
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1 week ago
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SOLACE CEE - Colaborarea unică va aduce inovații sociale unice pentru a pune capăt lipsei de adăpost


Zilele acestea a avut loc la Košice prima întâlnire a unui consorțiu din Europa Centrală și de Est format din organizații care lucrează cu persoane fără adăpost pentru a dezvolta în comun servicii sociale și de sănătate integrate.

În următorii 3 ani, Casa Ioana - România, Fundația pentru Sănătate și Dezvoltare Socială - Bulgaria, Serviciul de Caritate Maghiar al Ordinului Malta (HCSOM) - Ungaria, Fundația Housing First - Polonia, Institutul Metropolitan de Cercetare Budapesta - Ungaria, Fundația DEDO - Slovacia și All for the Family - Slovacia vor dezvolta servicii inovatoare în acest domeniu.

Această colaborare unică este susținută de Comisia Europeană și este inițiată și condusă de Fundația DEDO, care va implementa proiectul SOLACE CEE în două orașe, Košice și Prešov. În total, Comisia Europeană sprijină 4 proiecte în cadrul apelului pentru inovare socială, în Slovacia un proiect asemănător a primit pentru sprijin pentru a doua oară din partea Comisiei.

„Scopul nostru este de a crea servicii sociale și de sănătate integrate în ambele orașe, venind în completarea abordării complexe de a pune capăt fenomenului persoanelor fără adăpost din rândul familiilor – de la locuință, la suport și găsirea unui loc de muncă – pe care o implementăm în Slovacia de Est”, a afirmat Alena Vachnová. „În munca noastră, încercăm să folosim metode testate pe care le aducem și le implementăm în Slovacia, cu scopul de a pune capăt fenomenului persoanelor fără adăpost, nu doar de a gestiona fenomenul.”

News about homelessness

Three social centres in Sector 1 available for homeless people throughout the cold season (11/01/2021)

The City Hall of Sector 1 announced that the [...]

Three social centres in Sector 1 available for homeless people throughout the cold season (11/01/2021)

The City Hall of Sector 1 has announced that homeless people will be housed in the City Hall's social centres during the period of bad weather conditions. At the same time, Sector 1 local police officers will step up patrols on the streets to identify homeless people who may be affected by the cold temperatures this season.

I'm among the most exposed at Covid. Where homeless people live during the pandemic (14.12.2020)

If they don't get the help they need, homeless people become - for the duration of the pandemic - a danger to themselves and others.

Social shower for homeless women in Bucharest: "It's a way to regain their dignity"

Read full story: Social shower for homeless women in Bucharest: "It's a way to regain their dignity" (05.12.20)

Emergency centre for homeless people opened in the Capital on Friday! (20.11.2020)

"With the arrival of the cold season, a new temporary emergency shelter for people living on the streets is opening today in the Capital, within the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest. The shelter has a capacity of 33 places and will operate at the address of 124 Fundeni Road, sector 2.

What happens to homeless people during the coronavirus outbreak. How you can help (30.03.2020)

The City Hall has allocated about 950 places for homeless people during the coronavirus crisis, following the provisions of Military Ordinance 3. This number is insufficient for all the people on the street, but on the other hand, there are many who refuse accommodation in centres.

900 accommodation places for homeless people. Gabriela Firea: Let the citizens of Bucharest inform us about the presence of people sleeping on the streets (25.03.2020)

Three social centres in Sector 1 available for homeless people throughout the cold season (11/01/2021)

The City Hall of Sector 1 has announced that homeless people will be housed in the City Hall's social centres during the period of bad weather conditions. At the same time, Sector 1 local police officers will step up patrols on the streets to identify homeless people who may be affected by the cold temperatures this season.

I'm among the most exposed at Covid. Where homeless people live during the pandemic (14.12.2020)

If they don't get the help they need, homeless people become - for the duration of the pandemic - a danger to themselves and others.

Social shower for homeless women in Bucharest: "It's a way to regain their dignity"

Read full story: Social shower for homeless women in Bucharest: "It's a way to regain their dignity" (05.12.20)

Emergency centre for homeless people opened in the Capital on Friday! (20.11.2020)

"With the arrival of the cold season, a new temporary emergency shelter for people living on the streets is opening today in the Capital, within the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest. The shelter has a capacity of 33 places and will operate at the address of 124 Fundeni Road, sector 2.

What happens to homeless people during the coronavirus outbreak. How you can help (30.03.2020)

The City Hall has allocated about 950 places for homeless people during the coronavirus crisis, following the provisions of Military Ordinance 3. This number is insufficient for all the people on the street, but on the other hand, there are many who refuse accommodation in centres.

900 accommodation places for homeless people. Gabriela Firea: Let the citizens of Bucharest inform us about the presence of people sleeping on the streets (25.03.2020)

European Project

Joint Venture

This Erasmus + funded project aims to build a fairer and more inclusive society through new ways of working together, involving entrepreneurs and [...]

Joint Venture

This Erasmus + funded project aims to build a fairer and more inclusive society through new ways of working together, involving entrepreneurs, people at risk of exclusion, NGOs and the business world.

The central focus is to create entrepreneurial teams to support people at risk of exclusion and provide them with tools to generate original business ideas and bring the concept to fruition in an efficient and straightforward way.

The six partners from five countries - UK, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy - are all NGOs and business consultants specialising in developing training materials, entrepreneurship and business incubation, including working with people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

During the 30 months of the project a series of training materials and an incubation process for potential entrepreneurs will be developed and tested on 9 new business concepts/ideas.

There will be opportunities for companies and business professionals, trainers, mentors, NGOs and future entrepreneurs to participate in the project at different stages. The project materials will be available as a free open resource for wide use.

Click here to access the project website.

News about domestic violence

Domestic violence

Domestic violence also known as domestic violence (abbreviated as DV) , domestic abuse, family abuse, marital/conjugal abuse or intimate violence [...]

Domestic violence

Domestic violence, also known as domestic violence (abbreviated DV), domestic abuse, family abuse, marital/conjugal abuse or intimate partner violence (abbreviated VI), can be broadly defined as an abusive behavioural pattern of one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, cohabitation, family, friendship or cohabitation. Domestic violence takes many forms such as physical assault (actual or threatened), sexual abuse, emotional abuse, excessive control, dominance, intimidation, stalking, passive/concealed abuse (e.g. neglect) and economic deprivation.

Offenders can be monitored with electronic bracelets Offenders can be monitored with electronic bracelets | AUDIO (21/04/2021)

Those who have committed domestic violence and have a restraining order against them will be able to be monitored with electronic bracelets. The Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill long awaited by civil society. The bill will go to President Iohannis for promulgation.

How women in Romania lived through the pandemic (22.01.2021)

Economic and social tensions and measures that limit people's mobility and require them to spend much longer in the home have led to an increase in domestic violence, the majority of victims of which are still women. Both in Romania and in many other countries of the European Union and around the world, the number of cases of domestic violence has increased during the Covid-19 crisis, which is reflected in the number of complaints registered with the police and the number of calls to emergency services or to the counselling and support services offered by non-governmental organisations.

The link between money and domestic violence (14.01.2021)

We often don't make a direct connection between money and domestic violence, but financial education can play a powerful role in a survivor's story and help her get out of the abusive relationship or may even serve to prevent abuse in the first place.

During the pandemic, women and children are at greater risk of domestic violence (10.12.2020)

In the context of isolation at home, limited contact with members of the social network, work at home, school closures, lack of leisure facilities and financial insecurity, it has been observed that family relationships tend to become increasingly strained, increasing the vulnerability of children and women and the risk of being exposed to domestic violence.

Home is a dangerous place or about the trap of domestic violence (25.11.2020)

There is a vicious circle of domestic violence that can rarely be broken from the outside and often continues as long as the victim remains alive.

Domestic violence: 4,856 provisional protection orders in 7 months. 96% of perpetrators are men (12.09.20)

In the first seven months of the year, police officers issued 4,856 temporary protection orders under the Law on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence, targeting 5,040 perpetrators of violence, mostly men. Of these orders, 2,293 were confirmed by prosecutors.

Violence and discrimination (14.08.2020)

Even now, in many villages, the woman walks two steps behind the man when the two go to a wedding, baptism or church.

Domestic violence in Romania: "A silent witness who does not take action becomes an accomplice to abuse" (14.08.2020)

Experts in combating domestic violence spoke in detail about what we can do when we see or hear of domestic violence.

Why are electronic bracelets needed for violent men? (22.06.2020)

If protection orders were monitored electronically, some cases of domestic violence would not turn into crimes.

What would happen if the law banning us from talking about gender identity in schools passed (18.06. 2020)

Romania's Senate voted on Tuesday 16 June on an amendment to the education law that would ban - if enacted by the President - any reference to the concept of gender identity in schools and universities.