Together, we can open the door wide to:
- Safe accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse and living on the streets
- Comprehensive psychosocial support that enables women and their children to become independent
- sustainable support that offers new beginnings - away from abuse
For details, please contact Andreea Gheorghe at +40 760 249 389 or by e-mail to [email protected]

Wherever there is a human need, there is a CHANCE to be GOOD and to MAKE A CHANGE.- Kevin Heath
At Casa Ioana, we have assisted thousands of women and children who have come to us trying to escape domestic violence. Help us be there for every woman and child who needs us by donating today.
You can donate online or deposit the amount you want to donate at any Raiffeisen Bank branch. All you need is your ID card, the amount you want to donate and the bank details of Casa Ioana.
90% of domestic abuse cases occur in front of a child. Your monthly contribution can help children overcome the trauma of experiencing or witnessing domestic violence.
Women are often forced by their abusers to quit their jobs or have to leave their jobs when they run away from their abuser. Your monthly donation can provide financial counselling, employment advice and skills training to help a woman regain her independence and return to the labour market.
Every day women come to our centre who escape from life-threatening situations. Many of them barely have anything on besides the clothes on their backs. Your ongoing gift can provide toiletries and clothing to help a woman get through her first few days at the center.
Financially strapped families are often forced to buy poorly nutritious and cheap food for their children. Your regular gift can provide consistently nutritious meals to a child while they're staying at the center as well as school food packages.
Sponsor a child?
Up to 22 children live in Casa Ioana at any given time and we need your help to support them properly! It costs €150 per month to provide safe accommodation, nutritious meals and professional psychosocial support for each child living in Casa Ioana.
We know it's a big ask, but can you or your family cover this cost by sponsoring a child for 125 Ron a month for a year? You can make a one-off payment or split the cost into 12 monthly payments.
When you join the Casa Ioana sponsorship program, you make a real difference and become part of the solution in transforming a child's life. Please take a few moments, right now, to show your support for Casa Ioana and our work to change and save the lives of the women and children at our center.
For details, please contact Andreea Gheorghe at +40 760 249 389 or by e-mail to [email protected]
Bank Transfer
With an increasingly busy life, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous for you, your family and your community. Volunteering at Casa Ioana can help you find friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills and even advance your career. Our team of dedicated volunteers offer their time and skills to support our work. They make a huge difference to Casa Ioana.
- Raiffeisen Bank S.A.
- Brâncoveanu Branch: Șoseaua Olteniței 56, Sector 4, Bucharest, Romania
- Casa Ioana Association
- RON account: RO81RZBR0000060008694500
- EURO account: RO26RZBR0000060008694617
- Cont USD: RO98RZBR0000060019045452
Direct Debit
Direct debit is a monthly donation of an amount you choose, which your bank automatically withdraws from your bank account on a certain day of the month. No fees are added. Your donations are withdrawn for a pre-determined period, which you can end at any time.
You can increase or decrease the amount donated at any time.
Direct Donations
Come and meet us at Casa Ioana in Bucharest! You can make a donation and see us in action! See our contact details. The office is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
You can redirect 3.5% of the previous year's income tax by completing form 230.
You have no additional costs and it is an important source of income for us. Together, we can create new beginnings - away from abuse!
Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness and caring to change someone's life.
If you have income:
- from one or more salaries
- out of pension
- from self-employment/agricultural activities, taxed according to income rules
- from self-employed activities carried out on the basis of sports activity contracts, for which tax is withheld in advance
- from intellectual property rights other than those for which net income is defined in a real way
- from the transfer of the right of use of goods, for which the net income is defined on the basis of flat rates of expenditure or on the basis of income
Then the law allows you to redirect 3.5% of your income tax to Casa Ioana!
The deadline for submitting Form 230 is 25 May each year.
Complete Form 230
Download Form 230 in pdf format
Complete Section 1 (Taxpayer identification data)
If you wish to redirect 3.5% for two years, tick the relevant box in Section II (option to distribute the amount for 2 years). This way, you will not need to renew your option for the following year.
Do not write the amount donated in the Section because the tax authority will calculate it for you.
Sign the form
Note: If you are self-employed, you can also complete Form 230 to redirect 3.5% of your income tax.
You can file Form 230 in several ways:
at Casa Ioana, in person or by post/courier at Șoseaua Olteniței nr 39-41, Sector 4, Bucharest, postal code 041294 and we will deposit it at the appropriate tax office.
at the local tax authority according to the address on your ID card, in person or by post/ courier
through the ANAF online service "Virtual Private Space" ifyou have an electronic signature
You cannot submit more than one form to the tax office, but you can send them to Casa Ioana and we can submit them together with a form accepted by the tax office certifying us as a beneficiary organisation.
You can search for your tax office here.
You can read Law No 571/22.12.2003 on the Fiscal Code here.
Redirect 20% from your company's corporate income tax
If you represent a company, the Sponsorship Act allows you to redirect 20% of your company's corporate income tax to an accredited service provider such as Casa Ioana. This type of sponsorship is very important to us as it provides us with sustainable financial support and gives us the chance to connect with the for-profit sector to create a solid basis for collaboration.
Domestic abuse kills a woman almost every week - Romanian National Police Your company or firm can make a big difference in the lives of women and children facing domestic violence and homelessness, offering new beginnings - away from abuse. Please help us in our effort to save and change lives by donating your 20% corporate tax donation as a good portion of multinational philanthropy is a profitable business and will bring long-term benefits to both the investors and NGOs supported. Casa Ioana is încluded in the Register of Associations and Foundations with number 70/1995 and in the ANAF Register according to Decision 25075/08.04.2019. Giving is not making a donation. It means making a difference. - Kathy Calvin, President of the UN Foundation Your company can redirect 20% of corporate tax - up to 7.5% of turnover - to Casa Ioana on the basis of a Sponsorship Agreement. For any amount over this limit, your company can deduct the difference from subsequent tax periods of up to 7 years. Your sponsorship can be quarterly or annual and will be deducted from your corporation tax for that period. Example:
Download the Sponsorship Contract of the Casa Ioana here. Complete the form in duplicate, sign it and send it to Casa Ioana at 39-41 Șoseaua Olteniței, Bucharest 041294. Casa Ioana will countersign the document and send you back one of the two original copies. For more information, please contact Andreea Gheorghe on +40 760 249 389 or by e-mail at: [email protected] |